CMC Pictures, a film company specializing in the production and foreign distribution of Chinese films, showcased its future projects including the upcoming “The Meg 2.” “The Meg 2” is the sequel to the successful 2018 Chinese-American...
Ken Atchity discusses the creative process, films, language & recent book “Japanese In-Law: Words and Phrases for Day-to-Day Living” for those who’ve fallen in love w/ Japanese. Available on Amazon. Weekly podcast episodes with...
FATHER CHRISTMAS: A TRUE STORY by ROWDY HERRINGTON Father Christmas is an unforgettable coming-of-age story that will bring families together with inspirational holiday cheer and nostalgia for the comfort of Santa Claus. In the coal mining town of Brilliant, Ohio...
REVIEW: WRITE TIME: GUIDE TO THE CREATIVE PROCESS BY KENNETH ATCHITY I’ve reviewed many books about the writing process, from the broad and overarching to the highly specialized, focused on a singular step of the journey. I’ve read the greats’ musings...
Enjoy an underwater adventure like no other with sharks, sea monsters and thrills all included. Aubrey Aquino chat swith Steve Alten about this new virtual stay under the...